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学習英和辞典のおすすめまとめ Dictionaryphile 2022-9-26 01046 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-26 22:53
海峡两岸语言及辞书研究_2013 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-26 01806 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-26 15:45
Peter Mark Roget: A man of words Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 01925 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 11:13
George Davidson Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 01913 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 11:12
Culture In Brief_Independent 19981004 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 01695 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-24 11:10
Japanese angle on English dictionary development Dictionaryphile 2022-9-21 01447 Dictionaryphile 2022-9-21 22:37
Signposts and menus in monolingual dictionaries for learners of English Dictionaryphile 2022-8-31 02062 Dictionaryphile 2022-8-31 09:49
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蒋文凭. 英汉双解词典英文书名之名与实[C]//.中国辞书学... Dictionaryphile 2022-8-4 0735 Dictionaryphile 2022-8-4 22:17
2013—2025年国家辞书编纂出版规划 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-24 02726 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-24 16:18
[台湾]新世紀英漢辭典/新世纪英汉词典 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-16 02324 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-16 01:31
汉语大词典 专贴 [20150518] admin 2017-2-1 19238 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-16 01:04
collinsdictionary.com 的例句发音是自动生成的 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-15 02390 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-15 10:35
MobiSystems, Inc. Dictionaryphile 2020-4-14 02237 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-14 16:57
涵芬 APP[20200330] Dictionaryphile 2020-4-1 02249 Dictionaryphile 2020-4-1 13:46
平面辞书“权威”优势没变,“融媒辞书”是必走之路[2019... Dictionaryphile 2020-3-30 02211 Dictionaryphile 2020-3-30 23:11
EB series admin 2017-12-30 05743 admin 2017-12-30 15:28
macOS Dictionary admin 2017-11-29 03658 admin 2017-11-29 10:21
电子词典发展史_参考资料 admin 2017-7-1 03668 admin 2017-7-1 20:54
汉文博士——支持生僻古难字检索的开放式免费汉语词典 admin 2017-4-17 03497 admin 2017-4-17 20:37
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